I am looking for all albums I don't have already. Don't hesitate to contact me for any swapp monica@bissenberger.de
30.07.16 new missing stickers Italia - Edigamma
new missing stickers Colorado
new missing stickers and new doubles Il nostro mondo
26.07.16 new doubles Harry Potter -magische Welt - il magico mondo
new doubles Harry Potter und die Heiligtuemer des Todes - Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort
new doubles Harry Potter Askaban
new missing stickers Harry Potter
25.07.16 new doubles Das Haus Anubis - Pfad der 7 Suenden
Melanie thank you very much for this website :-)
Packs and albums to swap
Wanted albums
Latests albums and packs to swap | Latests wanted albums |
Bibi Blocksberg 10packs Atlantis 15packs African Cats - Im Reich der Raubkatzen 1album and 20packs Rewe - Mein Mitmachbuch 1album Shaun das Schaf 1album and 10packs |
Alla Scoperta Degli Animali - Italie (Dok)
Le Favole della Nonna lets go Poucelina Pink Panther |
All my packs and albums to swap |
All my wanted albums |
Entdecke Brasilien | Edeka | 2014 | 144 cards and paddys |
002 | 004 | 005 | 006 | 007 | 009 | 010 | 011 | 012 | 014 |
015 | 019 | 021 | 022 | 024 | 027 | 029 | 030 | 031 | 032 |
034 | 036 | 037 | 038 | 039 | 040 | 041 | 042 | 043 | 044 |
045 | 046 | 047 | 049 | 050 | 051 | 052 | 055 | 056 | 057 |
058 | 059 | 060 | 061 | 062 | 063 | 066 | 071 | 072 | 074 |
075 | 077 | 079 | 081 | 082 | 085 | 086 | 087 | 088 | 089 |
090 | 092 | 093 | 094 | 095 | 099 | 100 | 102 | 107 | 109 |
111 | 112 | 116 | 119 | 121 | 123 | 124 | 131 | 135 | 137 |
139 | 142 | Algerien | Australien | Belgien | Bosnien-H. | Brasilien | Chile | Costa | Deutschland |
Ecuador | Elfenbeinküste | England | Frankreich | Ghana | Griechenland | Honduras | Iran | Italien | Japan |
Kamerun | Kolumbien | Krostien | Niederlande | Nigeria | Portugal | Rica | Russland | Schweiz | Spanien |
St01 | St02 | St03 | St04 | St05 | St06 | St07 | St08 | St09 | St10 |
St11 | St12 | St13 | St14 | St15 | St16 | St17 | St18 | St19 | St20 |
St21 | St22 | St23 | St24 | St25 | St26 | St27 | St28 | St29 | St30 |
St31 | St32 | Südkorea | USA | Uruguay |