My stickers' collection

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Latests albums and packs to swap Latests wanted albums
Bibi Blocksberg 10packs
Atlantis 15packs
African Cats - Im Reich der Raubkatzen 1album and 20packs
Rewe - Mein Mitmachbuch 1album
Shaun das Schaf 1album and 10packs
Alla Scoperta Degli Animali - Italie (Dok)
Le Favole della Nonna
lets go
Pink Panther
All my packs and albums to swap

All my wanted albums

My lists

Or alphabetically: abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwxyz

der Glöckner von Notre Dame - hunchback of notre dame

G I Joe Diamond


Garfield and Cie

Garfield animated Sticker Album

Gaturro el album de figuritas

Gaturro Superstar

Gemelli nel segno../Jumeux du bout du monde


Gilmore Girls 2

Gilmore Girls 2 2006 384 stickers



Gogos 1

Gogos 2007

Gogos Crazy Bones - Aliens

Gogos Crazy Bones - New Generation

Gogos Crazy Bones - Voetbal

Gogos Evolution series 2

Gogos Explorer

gogos football

Gogos Ghost

Grandi Domani

Gremlins 2


Gru 2 Mi Villano Favorito


Gusanito 2


Hamburg sammelt Hamburg

Hamburg sammelt Hamburg 2



Hannah Montana

Hannah Montana Forever

Hannah Montana the Movie

Happy Birthday Bugs

happy Feet

Harry Potter -magische Welt - il magico mondo

Harry Potter Askaban

Harry Potter Kammer des Schreckens Comic

Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch

Harry Potter und der Halbblutprinz - ET LE PRINCE DE SANG-MELE

Harry Potter und der Orden des Phönix

Harry Potter und die Heiligtuemer des Todes - Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort

Harry Potter und die Heiligtuemer des Todes Teil 2 - Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort - 2ème partie



Heidi - Age

Hello Kitty - I love life

Hello Kitty 2 - Brasil

Hello Kitty B-Cool

Hello Kitty Fashion

Hello Kitty Peluche

Hello Kitty Super Star

Herr der Ringe 1 - Lord of the Rings

Herr der Ringe 3- Lord of the Rings 3

High School Musical

High School Musical 2 - Lost in Music

High School Musical 3

Himmel und Huhn

Holly e Benji 2002

Hora de Aventuras

Horseland 2011

Hunchback of Notre Dame USA


I Bellissimi

I Bruttissimi

I Cani

I Carly

I Cuccioli

I Grandi Campioni dello Sport

I love Princess

I nostri amici animali

I piccoli degli animali

I Puffi 2 - Preziosi

Ice Age 2

Ice Age 3

Il Guiness dei Primati

Il Libro della Giungla

Il mondo degli uccelli

Il mondo di Barbara

Il Mondo di Cars

il mondo di Cars - album 2

Il nostro mondo

Il Patrimonio Unesco in Italia - Unesco Heritage in Italy

Indiana Jones - 1989

Invitation au chateau - Einladung ins Schloss

Io sto con gli animali

Isidoro and Sonja


Italia - Edigamma

Mobile Suit Gundam

the Real Ghostbusters

un anno con Hamtaro Preziosi